This is Pastor Michael Burger, one of the Most Powerful Pastors in South Africa
This is your opportunity to receive Instant money miracles from God . Pastor Michael Burger is one of the most powerful pastors in South Africa. Are you tired of living under the same poor conditions all the time? I am sure that in the midst of so much financial crisis, at some point, you may have called heaven for help. The truth of the matter is that God is generous and can provide all your financial needs. You only need to get in touch with the anointed man of God and everything will be well with you.

Nobody can deny the importance of money in their lives. Call +27604618942
God is also very interested in providing for our needs. If you read the book of Philippians 4:19, God says that He is going to satisfy all our needs according to His riches. If you have financial needs that you cannot meet in your family, bring them to God and he will richly bless you. Pastor Michael Burger will present your needs to God through prayer. Before you know it, you will receive instant money miracles and your life will change.
Most powerful pastors in South Africa, God will give you money!
In 2 Corinthians 9, God tells us first the principle-what God wants us to do-and then says the procedure-how it is done. Finally he gives us the promise-the guarantee. When you have a need plant a seed. The book of 2 Corinthians 9: 6 says that: “Anyone who sows in a small amount will harvest in small quantities and anyone who sows generously already to harvest generously.” Sow through Pastor Michael Burger’s ministry today and you will receive abundance in Jesus’ name.
Contact Pastor Michael Burger for instant money miracles
Come to Pastor Michael Burger, the anointed man of God, for miracles, healing and restoration. Through his power, you will receive all the blessings that he promised those who obey and serve him. The Bible says that when you hear the voice of the Lord today, do not hesitate. God is calling you to receive instant money miracles through his faithful servant, Pastor Michael Burger. Your life will never be the same again when the man of God prays for you .